Hello UK’s 2019

Hello 2019.

I wonder what you hold for us this year?

We came back from the USA in December and landed on the 5th, luckily or unluckily (depends which way you read it) for us we were both back to work the following Monday.

So after doing nothing for 6 months and to go back and do 39 hours a week and working 3 out of 4 Saturdays and rarely getting 2 days off together (for me anyway) I find it quite hard. drunk-japan_2938162b


There is so little time for anything else in life.

What would I do…well there are things to do around the house, there’s my football team that I would like to go and watch on a Saturday and there are also friends and family that I don’t get a chance to see. There is also my metal detecting hobby, and beaches to go walk on, golf, cycling, photography ect ect, maybe, just maybe that will change the next time we return.

However all that aside, I am grateful to have the opportunity of a job, will I continue to come back from the USA and do 39 hours? No, at some time that will change.

Last years trip was truly fantastic in respects of catching up with friends and new family. However it was another 6500 miles in the RV and the previous year was 10500 going up to Alaska and back.

So 2019, is all about friends and family family-and-friends-pic

(and less miles) we will be flying in on June the 11th and will be spending a month in and around Orlando. Then we will head as far north as Virginia, from there heading West as far as Alabama and down to the Floridian panhandle and back down to the Orlando area. Once back down in the Orlando area we will spend another 2 months in and around there before flying home at the end of November.

It will be a short trip in mileage of around 2800 miles but still nearly 6 months.


Christmas was a rush, (thank goodness for online shopping)  and there is lots to do around the house, the main project being a totally refurbished bathroom project to do.,and some remedial work to do on the rental property.

Kathryn has done the reverse of us and flown out to Texas, America to spend some time with her boyfriend, so we are not going to see much of her in 2019. 2


As you know when we are in the US we get to play Pickleball, we did hear there were some people who played it near us in Exeter, but as yet we have had no joy getting a game together (Gill works, Monday to Friday) as they only play day times during the week. However I have managed to get down there a couple of times and played for a couple of hours.



So, what does our route look like for this next trip………………. It looks like this;




Our itinerary looks like this……..



So now you all know where we are and when we will be there, if you want to meet up feel free to “Bump into us” along our route.

All the best.


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