Spanner in the works?

Spanners, useful some time and sometimes they don’t fit. But what about that old saying “A spanner in the works”?
Well, I could possibly have one in my plans to retire at Xmas.
The company I work for decided to stop our final salary pension scheme a couple of years ago and for a few of us that had been there since the 1980’s it changed quite considerably, so much so that a group of us decided to take the company to the Ombudsman to see what they thought. Well it turns out that they think that we have a case and are willing to pursue it on our behalf.
Now, I can still go when I want to go, and there is nothing stopping me and to be honest, I probably will still be leaving at the end of this year, the only caveat to that is, there may be a pay out to compensate for the “lost” pension amounts. And the amounts we are talking about could be significant figures and sums that I would be willing to amend my date by a few months maximum, so keep an eye on this space. There have been some key dates mentioned, and I will have to see what decisions are made on those dates and that could affect when we start this journey.
But that’s still some way off, since my last post what has happened?
Firstly I suppose I had a big wrench, not the spanner type this time but letting go of my beloved XJR 1300 motorbike,bike a bitter loss, but an amount of collateral that I could not afford to just leave on the drive whilst we tour the USA. So sold it was! (Might get a cheap one to leave on the drive though 😉 ..)
Now we have the visa visit to look forward to, that’s coming up at the end of this month and that includes a weekend in London, so a nice little break for us there.
And despite the spanner that threatens us we have now reached another milestone…199

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